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What kind of counseling do you provide? 
We offer individual, couple, and family or group counseling for individuals 13 and older.

How can I pay for my counseling?
Clients may use insurance, apply for our various scholarships funded by kind and generous donors in our community, or pay the full fee.  

Do you offer Christian counseling?
We believe in the power of integrating faith into the therapeutic process. We respect and honor the individual beliefs and spiritual backgrounds of our clients, and our counselors are trained to incorporate Christian principles into their counseling methodologies if requested. However, we are also fully equipped to provide secular counseling services for those who prefer a non-faith-specific approach.


What insurance do you take?
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
- Aetna
- United Behavioral Health
- Magellan
- Cigna
- Web TPA

- Boone Chapman

* Verification is required


Do you take Medicaid or Medicare?
We do not.  However, we do offer scholarships that you can apply for.


How can I pray for Agape?

We have four areas that we ask that our prayer partners would cover along with any other area that they feel led to cover in prayer:
- Pray that clients come with an openness to healing and change.

- Pray that the therapists are renewed and refreshed, daily seeking Godly wisdom and discernment as they meet with clients.

- Pray that Agape continues to grow as a nurturing organization with an effective board and leadership and that there will be abundant resources to meet the needs of the clients and community.

- Pray for God’s protection over Agape from all influences of the enemy, physical and spiritual, that might disrupt God’s work in the lives of clients, staff, and leadership. (Eph 6:12)

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